Thursday, August 28, 2008

6WBMO - basics

Breakfast 2oz protein, 1/2cup carb, 1/2 cup fruit

Snack 2oz lean meat and 1/2 cup fruit

Lunch 2 cups salad with 2oz lean meat, 1/2cup rice/potato

Snack 2oz lean meat and 1/2cup rice/potato.

Dinner 2cups salad, 2oz lean meat, 1/2cup rice/potato.

6am 2prot-1/2carb-fruit
9am 2prot-1/2 carb
noon 2prot-1/2carb-veggie
3pm 2prot-1/2carb
6pm 2prot-1/2carb-veggie
9pm fruit (optional)